Onboarding Website

a) Allowances and Reimbursements
The WKU comprehensive benefits package includes four types of allowances:
Relocation: Faculty will be reimbursed up to $1,000 USD for relocation expenses, provided that they submit the appropriate receipts and documentation for reimbursement.
Housing: Faculty will be reimbursed up to $3,000 USD for stints of two (2) consecutive long semesters (fall and spring), or up to $1,500 USD for stints of up to one (1) semester (fall or spring).
Home Travel: WKU will pay for two (2) round trip airfares per person during the assignment, per year. The airfares must be economy fare only between Wenzhou and one designated home location. The maximum amount per round trip is $3,000 USD. Employees will be eligible to receive two (2) round trip tickets for stints of two (2) consecutive consecutive semesters (fall and spring), or one (1) round trip ticket for stints of one (1) semester (fall or spring).
Academic Travel: Faculty will be reimbursed up to $2,000 USD for stints of two (2) consecutive long semesters (fall and spring), or up to $1,000 USD for stints of one (1) semester (fall or spring).
All of the above amounts will be converted from USD to RMB according to the exchange rate on January 1st or July 1st, and the exchange rate will be adopted as following: if the start date of the employee’s contract is during the period from Jan. 1st to June 30th, the exchange rate on Jan. 1st will be adopted; if the start date of the employee’s contract is during the period from July 1st to Dec. 31st, the exchange rate on July 1st will be adopted. For reappointed employees, their exchange rate will be updated annually.
All the benefits above must be reimbursed with Fapiaos (official receipt in China) at actual cost, and any unused portion of allowance from one period of employment cannot be carried over to the next period. Employees must provide proper documentation for reimbursement.
For more details, please click here Guidelines on Benefits
b) Sick and Vacation Days
A faculty member with a ten-month contract are entitled to earn one and one-quarter (1.25) paid sick days per month. This policy is also applied to tenure-track (Assistant Professor and Associate Professor) and tenured faculty.
A faculty member with a twelve-month contract are entitled to earn one and one-quarter (1.25) paid sick days per month. In addition, an employee is also entitled to fifteen (15) days of annual vacation leave within the year. Vacation leave can only be used when not assigned any teaching assignment or as approved by a College Dean/Associate Dean.
c) WKU Tuition Discount
WKU and WKU Education Development Foundation will offer a dependent/spousal WKU tuition discount of 40% respectively (80% in total) for qualified family members of the employees. For further information, please see the links below.
- Tuition Fee Discount Policy for Spouses and Dependent Children of Faculty and Staff at Wenzhou-Kean University
- Wenzhou-Kean University Education Development Foundation Tuition Fee Subsidization Policy
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